Shipping Time
Most standard shipments are sent through FedEx ground. The exact service depends on the size and weight of your order.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for a price if you need faster service.
Packages usually reach their destination in 3-4 business days but occasionally take longer. Orders placed after 10am Eastern Time may require +1 day to process. For example, orders placed after 10am on a Friday may not be processed and shipped until the following Monday. Print order fulfilment is 5 working days and framing extra 4 days.
Sales Tax & Duties
NY State sales tax of 8.875% apply for NY customers as we print and ship from Nyc.
Shipping Time
Most standard shipments are sent through UPS. The exact service depends on the size and weight of your order.
Packages usually reach their destination in 3-4 business days but occasionally take longer. Orders placed after 10am GMT may require +1 day to process. For example, orders placed after 10am on a Friday may not be processed and shipped until the following Monday. Print order fulfillment is 5 working days and framing add 3 days.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for a price if you need faster service.
VAT & Duties
VAT of 25% for EU customers is included in the price.
We Ship To US & Europe
Places we’ve never shipped to but would like to:
(write us and we will get you a price)
- Anguilla
- Curaçao
- Antarctica
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Benin
- St. Barthélemy
- Congo – Kinshasa
- Central African Republic
- Cameroon
- China
- Cuba
- Christmas Island
- Dominica
- Western Sahara
- Ethiopia
- Micronesia
- Gambia
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guyana
- British Indian Ocean Territory
- Kiribati
- Comoros
- Liberia
- Lesotho
- St. Martin
- Madagascar
- Marshall Islands
- Mali
- Mauritania
- Montserrat
- Namibia
- Niger
- Norfolk Island
- Nauru
- St. Pierre & Miquelon
- Palau
- Rwanda
- Solomon Islands
- Sierra Leone
- South Sudan
- São Tomé & Príncipe
- Swaziland
- Chad
- Togo
- Timor-Leste
- Turkmenistan
- Tonga
- Tuvalu
- St. Vincent & Grenadines
- British Virgin Islands
- Vanuatu
The Artist Edition will not be responsible for any items damaged or lost during transit.
Any claims should be filed with the respective carrier.
If all else fails, please contact our support team directly for assistance at